Photos courtesy Diesel Motorsports |
Here's another sign of spring, and evidence that things are opening up again for diesel enthusiasts and the economy.
This week Champion Oil announced that the National Association of Diesel Motorsports (NADM) has selected Champion Blue Flame Diesel Engine Oil as the official oil of the annual East Coast Diesel Nationals on July 17th held at Numidia Dragway, 10 Dragstrip Road, Numidia PA.
NADM, established in 2007, is the only sanctioning body for diesels that promotes all diesel motorsports associations, clubs and events. Diesel Motorsports holds over 70 diesel events around the country each year while also building a membership that offers benefits for business members as well as fans with diesel drag racing, sled pulling, and Dyno competitions. Diesel Motorsports events are all about diesels, and include a large Vendor Alley at each event.
The prestigious event in Numidia, PA is Diesel Motorsports' biggest “diesel only” show of the year with drag racing, sled pulling, Show-N-Shine, dyno competition and more. Gates open at 8am. Drag and pull registration, Dyno and Show-n-shine opens at 9am. Drag racing starts at 10am with pulling starting at 1pm. Visit the Diesel Motorsports website for specific class guidelines.
This year Champion Oil has designed a special contingency program which includes cash and product for all class drag and pull winners at the East Coast Diesel Nationals. Register here: https://www.championbrands.com/racer-contingency/
Drag Racing Classes include:
- Street Truck: Competitors will run with street trucks with no times, just lane winner at end of track lights! Race against your buddies with no worries about anything but who the winner was on the pass!
- ET Bracket Class: Competitors race against their dial-in efforts to predict, react and perform better than the competition without breaking out from their timed number.
- 12.0 Quick Diesel: Indexed at 12 seconds, this class leaves the starting line together (heads-up style) and the first legal racer to cross the line without running quicker than the index wins.
- Heads-Up Truck: Full size trucks with proper safety equipment compete on an unlimited, heads-up racing in 1/8 and/or 1/4 track!
- Pro Stock: Fiberglass-bodied diesel-powered trucks and cars compete heads-up to the finish in the 1/8 and/or 1/4-mile action.
- Top Diesel: Diesel dragsters designed for all out speed compete heads up in 1/4-mile action.
- Work Stock: Stock OEM turbochargers, water injection prohibited, hanging weights prohibited.
- Hot Work Stock: Street turbochargers that plug no larger than 2.55, water injection prohibited, hanging weights prohibited, licensed for street, DOT tires.
- 2.5 Street Diesel/2.6 Smoothbore: Single turbo, 2.5 inch maximum inducer bore, turbocharger bushings prohibited or 2.6 smoothbore turbo, water injection prohibited, bolt in, removable solid rear suspension bars permitted, receiver style hitch required, hanging weights permitted.
- 2.6 Street Diesel: Single turbo, 2.6 inch maximum inducer bore, turbocharger bushings prohibited, water injection prohibited, bolt in, removable solid rear suspension bars permitted, receiver style hitch required, hanging weights permitted.
- 3.0 Smoothbore Diesel: Single turbo, 3.0 smoothbore, water injection prohibited, solid rear suspension, receiver style hitch required, drive shaft u-joint shields required, hanging weights permitted.
- 3.6 Single Turbo / Super Pro Multiple Turbo: These classes will pull together, with 300# weight difference. Other handicaps may be used if there is an agreement of the majority of both classes. The 3.6 (3.6) Single Turbo is based on stock chassis and the Super Pro Multiple Turbo (SP) is based on a tube frame.
Sled Pulling Classes include:
- Work Stock: Stock OEM turbochargers, water injection prohibited, hanging weights prohibited.
- Hot Work Stock: Street turbochargers that plug no larger than 2.55, water injection prohibited, hanging weights prohibited, licensed for street, DOT tires.
- 2.5 Street Diesel/2.6 Smoothbore: Single turbo, 2.5 inch maximum inducer bore, turbocharger bushings prohibited or 2.6 smoothbore turbo, water injection prohibited, bolt in, removable solid rear suspension bars permitted, receiver style hitch required, hanging weights permitted.
- 2.6 Street Diesel: Single turbo, 2.6 inch maximum inducer bore, turbocharger bushings prohibited, water injection prohibited, bolt in, removable solid rear suspension bars permitted, receiver style hitch required, hanging weights permitted.
- 3.0 Smoothbore Diesel: Single turbo, 3.0 smoothbore, water injection prohibited, solid rear suspension, receiver style hitch required, drive shaft u-joint shields required, hanging weights permitted.
- 3.6 Single Turbo / Super Pro Multiple Turbo: These classes will pull together, with 300# weight difference. Other handicaps may be used if there is an agreement of the majority of both classes. The 3.6 (3.6) Single Turbo is based on stock chassis and the Super Pro Multiple Turbo (SP) is based on a tube frame.
Champion Brands Blue Flame® Performance Diesel Motor Oils are formulated with workhorse performance additives, superior protection, advanced polymer technology, and high TBN, supported by a carrier blend of synthetic and conventional base fluids. In addition, Champion Brands Blue Flame® Diesel Motor Oil delivers unmatched high temperature film strength and lubricity protection, has the muscle to combat oil shear, maximizes and sustains cylinder compression, and is proven to increase engine horse power and torque. Purchase oil here at https://theblueflameblogger.blogspot.com/2021/

About the company: Champion Brands, LLC, is a globally recognized industry leader in specialty lubricants for over 65 years. Champion also produces and blends over 300 products including fuel, oil, engine additives, and lubricants for the racing, automotive, heavy truck, agricultural, industrial, and specialty markets. For more information about the Champion Blue Flame® Performance Diesel Engine Oil contact your nearest Champion distributor or call Champion at 660-890-6231. Champion Brands, LLC; 1001 Golden Drive, Clinton, MO, or go to http://championbrands.com