It's wintertime and Champion Oil has been active making sure our diesel equipment is being taken care of with a variety of new or enhanced products. This week Champion announced the launch of an enhanced "winter-blend" Diesel Flo Fuel Additive with Cetane.
“Most diesel enthusiasts use fuel additives from time to time, most likely in the winter to prevent gelling,” stated Karl Dedolph of Champion Brands, LLC. “But there are other diesel enthusiasts or fleet owners that regularly treat their fuel with additives. Some use detergent additives or lubricity agents to make up for the loss of sulfur in diesel fuel, which disappeared 15 years ago under an EPA mandate. Others use fuel stabilizers to offset the effects of minimal use or storage, and cetane improvers to optimize combustion with the intent to reduce emissions and increase horsepower.”
Dedolph went on to cite a number of problems that can be avoided or resolved by means of additives. “One of the most common problems, and perhaps the most easily avoided," he said, "relates to the condition of the injectors. By using the correct fuel additives, injector damage due to water and internal diesel injector deposits can be prevented. When a lubricity additive is used, the life of the injector is increased. Best method is to examine the Bottom of Form condition of an injector is when tearing down the engine. If it didn’t fail over its expected replacement life, perhaps that’s the result of the additives you used. “
Another problem that additives can address is fuel filter plugging. “If you suffer from fuel filter plugging, an additive can help dissolve the asphaltenes. These are high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons that are usually found on the bottom of the crude. They can also be formed in ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel from the heat created by higher pump pressures inside the fuel system and returned to the tank from your fuel pressure regulator.”
Fuel additives can help dissolve the asphaltenes in the fuel and also prevent them from forming and plugging filters, he explained, adding, "Many diesel owners suffer from the effects of a low cetane rating within the fuel that causes poor fuel economy and hard starts during the cold months. A good fuel additive should boost the cetane number and solve each most of the fuel and filter related issues.”
The new, more robust formula found in Champion's Diesel Flo with Cetane (part #4183) is a premium diesel fuel anti-gel and de-icer designed to prevent operability issues in diesel fueling systems at sub-zero temperatures. The product disperses and removes water from diesel fuel and prevents icing of fuel filters. Cold-flow improvers prevent aggregation of diesel wax crystals, allowing for lower pour points, cold-filter plugging points (CFPPs), and gel temperatures in low-sulfur and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuels and biodiesel blends.
This is Champion's most concentrated formula ever, boasting the following features and benefits:
- Reduces solvent load and decreases cost-to-treat
- Performs in low sulfur and ultra-low sulfur diesel and biodiesel blends
- Reduces cold-filter plugging points by as much as 20°C (36°F) in untreated fuels
- Disperses and removes water from fuel
- Reduces the pouring point and gel temperature of fuel
- Helps prevent fuel filter icing and cold-filter plugging
- One quart treats up to 250 US Gallons of diesel fuel
About the company: Champion Brands, LLC, is a globally recognized industry leader in specialty lubricants for over 65 years. Champion also produces and blends over 300 products including fuel, oil, engine additives, and lubricants for the racing, automotive, heavy truck, agricultural, manufacturing, industrial, and specialty markets. For more information about the new Champion Diesel Fuel Additives contact your nearest Champion Distributor, or call Champion at 660-890-6231. Champion Brands, LLC; 1001 Golden Drive, Clinton, MO, 64735 or go to
Good product: During the harsh winter months, you will find that your vehicle, equipment and diesel fuel need a little more care. Failure to take the proper precautions, such as adding kerosene, storing the diesel engine in a temperature controlled facility or implementing a fuel additive can take your diesel engine out of service.