Showing posts with label #Volvo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Volvo. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

UNOH Now Offering A Diesel Technology Associate Degree

In May an economic report announced that there were more than 8 million unfilled positions in the U.S. job market. Another article I read stated that there were 5 million job openings for people with specialized skills. These were better paying jobs that differed from service sector positions.

These numbers were in my mind as I read a July 5 story about the University of Northwestern Ohio's new Diesel Technology Associate Degree program that will begin this fall. The new program will include classes that students need to become professional Mack and Volvo technicians upon completion of the program. The program is titled Diesel Technology -- Mack/Volvo DATE. DATE is an acronym for Diesel Advanced Technology Education.

What is clear from the announcement of this program is that diesel truck manufacturers recognize that there will be an increased need for diesel technicians for years to come as professional mechanics retire and exit the field. 

This is the third degree program that UNOH offers related to diesel tech. Last year the school initiated a program for medium/heavy duty diesel vehicles, and the another program has as its focus on light duty vehicle and diesel engines.

Mack diesel engines are built to last.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics there will be an additional 24,000 job openings for diesel technicians within the coming 8 years. UNOH is dedicated to filling this unmet need for skilled vehicle service technicians within the diesel industry.

The article makes note that students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average and a 97% attendance record. But it also points out that "upon completion of the program, students will be prepared for immediate employment at any of the hundreds of Mack and Volvo truck dealerships across North America."

What they especially desire is to see the spark of passion for this industry. Courses will include topics specific to Mack and Volvo engines, including a focus on powertrains, electrical and electronic systems. Students will also learn about chassis components, software and engine diagnosis and repair. The school is hands on so that in addition to theory there is shop time, maintenance training and testing.

Investing in yourself is a decision that yields a lifetime of dividends. 

Key Links

10 Reasons to Become a Diesel Mechanic

UNOH: Turn Your Passion Into A Career

UNOH Launches Third Diesel Technology Associate Degree